In the winter of 2013 Justin tried to climb and ride all 30 mountains he can see from his house in Squamish, BC. With the support from his sponsor Arc'teryx, it was turned into the four part web series below.
Episode 1: "The River"
Our backyards are often overlooked for farther and more exotic adventures. From his house in Squamish, BC Arc'teryx athlete Justin Lamoureux sees 30 different mountains. Rising from sea level to 9,000' these mountains are rarely visited during the winter. Follow along as he tries to ride them all in a single winter.
In his quest to ride all 30 mountains he can see from his backyard, Arcteryx athlete Justin Lamoureux must deal with the realities of an ocean level approach, a bridge-less river that splits the valley in 2 and way too many options
Episode 2 "Unexpected" - After riding 9 of 30 mountains in episode 1, the coastal weather starts to play its hand in the project as Arc'teryx Athlete Justin Lamoureux continues to confront the challenges, joys and detours of discovering new lines in his backyard
Episode 3: "Tribulations" - Halfway through his 30 mountain goal and with the pressure of spring's approach, Arc'teryx Athlete Justin Lamoureux must be persistent with mounting setbacks, take the good with the bad and remember that the mountains always hold the upper hand.
Episode 4 "Journeys" - With 20 out of 30 mountains ridden Arc'teryx Athlete Justin Lamoureux must complete a few previous failed attempts and also travel to the more remote sections of the project. Spring is in full swing and the race is on to finish prior to the season's end.